Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ups and Downs

So I suppose I've fallen behind a bit on that promise I made to keep up with my posting. Life sometimes gets in the way. So typically no news is good news. Things are great. Bug is cruising right along. We are glad to be done with the holidays. Mr. Landon has a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks. He deserves to celebrate BIG considering the terrible year he had last year. So we rented a moon walk with a WEEEEE! (slide) for his birthday party. He should be super excited about that. I just wish he wasn't growing up so fast.

I used to worry when he was about 18 or so months that he wasn't talking a lot. He mostly grunted at things he wanted. Now the child talks constantly! My mom laughs and says he sounds like the Vietnamese ladies at the nail salons when he talks really fast. You can't understand a single word he says, but he's talkin' anyway. It's really joy to my ears.

We had a great lifegroup discussion last Wed. night. It was all about "not being yolked with unbelievers." (II Corinthians 6:14-18). It got quite deep and in the long run I was humbly proved wrong. Sometimes I feel like we have 2 different sets of friends and it's very hard to mesh them all together and to remain the same person despite whatever group you happen to be with at the time. Trust me; we're learning!

Other than that, things are just peachy!

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