Monday, August 31, 2009

One year later...

Landon's first week of MDO went well. It was quite a fiasco to get him there on time. We definitely have to work on our time management skills around here now that Keaton has joined the family. Just as I got Landon loaded in the car and ready to go, Keaton had a huge blow out in his diaper. Not once, but twice. Both requiring outfit changes! I have to learn to leave myself some extra time for unexpected issues :). Bug walked right in like the old pro he is and sat down and started playing with toys. I felt for all of the moms who's children were screaming and clinging to their pant legs. I smiled, gave my baby a kiss and headed out the door thinking we were exactly where they are just a year ago. It was bittersweet.

Keaton had his first trip to church yesterday. I wouldn't exactly say he behaved himself. He slept through the worship and woke up to eat and listen to Pastor Steven's message :) Of course that included loud burping and 10 minutes of cute baby hiccups along with unnecessarily loud binky sucking. I sat in the back and disturbed the sound people, did some walking around when he got bored, and tried to get as much of the message as I could. A touch up on the website would not be a bad idea! We head back to our lifegroup on Wed. and we are excited to spend some time with Keaton's extended (church) family.

Adjustment period is still in full swing I would say. Landon is doing better, although his sassy mouth has been getting him into trouble lately. "You drivin' me nuts!" is what he exclaimed to me when I told him to lay down for the 50th time the other day for his nap. Now I can't possibly imagine where he picked up that phrase :) It's good for him to be back in school to be around other kids and to have some structure and a place to run off all of that energy! And it's great for me to get a nap!

What a difference a year makes! He starts pre school next year and I can hardly believe it.

One year later. He looks like an old pro! (a four year old pro)

Me... go to sleep?? Now that's funny!!

I know it's 2 am Mom, but lets talk. Tell me about your day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We survived!

So we survived the first two days of Daddy going back to work. The sleeplessness is taking it's toll but we are making it. We put the boys in the tub together for the first time tonight. Keaton enjoys his baths much more than his brother did at this age. I think it reminds him of his comfortable place from 2 weeks ago. We went in for a weight check today and he's 10 lbs. 6 oz.

Landon enjoys playing with and touching everything of Keaton's. Like the swing as you can see. He's also very sneaky about it :) His very favorite time to get into things is when I'm nursing Keaton. He's very much in tune about when I am unable to chase him and he takes full advantage of it.  He also has a funny fascination with me nursing his brother. He absolutely has to be right under my feet or climbing up in the chair every time Keaton is eating. He especially likes to help me pump! Every time I drag it out he says "I want to help you with your boobs!" and he puts the pump up to me and tries to hold it there. He also wants to turn it on and I have to be careful about how far he turns the suction on!! I think "boobs" is his new favorite word.

He is a very good big brother and likes to give kisses and hugs. He starts mother's day out next week (praise Jesus!). So it will be good for him to get some time away with other kids and it will be GREAT for me to get to have a nap during the day. I wouldn't exactly call Keaton a great sleeper just yet and I haven't figured out how to coordinate their nap schedule yet either. So when one is awake the other one is asleep and vise versa. We'll work it out eventually~

Enjoy the pics!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

And then there were four...

I have neglected the blog for some time now much to the understanding of moms everywhere :)
Keaton has been here for 9 days now. As we were sitting in labor and delivery watching TV to pass the time, we discovered that he shares a birthday with Barak Obama. It was enough to make me want to hold off for one more day... almost! His delivery, despite his husky frame, was much easier than Landon's. I was in labor for 8 hours and only pushed 4 times to get his big 10 pound self out. My doctor was fantastic. She ran up three flights of stairs to make it in time. I went from 6 cm dilated to 10 cm in an hour. When the nurse said "lets try a test push" it actually turned into "his head is almost out" push. Hence the need for Dr. Rivero to put some pep in her step. Recovery has been smoother, maybe because I am forced to deal with 2 kids and not one. 

Landon is a great big brother. Very curious and quick to want to wake him up. But he has been a challenge as well. I had no expectations of how he was going to react to having Keaton around. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the out bursts have begun. Some times I'm not sure who he is. I know it will take time for all of us to adjust. In the mean time, we are trying to spend undivided attention with him. We went to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday while my mom kept Keaton so that we could spend some one on one time with him. He enjoyed it as much as we did. 

Jeremy goes back to work on Monday and then I think my life will be hell for a little while until I figure out a more solid routine. I'm somewhat of a scheduled person and routine does me good. If I could just figure out how to teach Keaton that it is not necessary to eat for an hour and then be hungry I think we'd do okay :) I have a wonderful husband. He is so helpful and makes my life so much easier. If I could clone him I bet I'd make a fortune! He's on his way to the grocery store now to get Landon out of my hair! 

It's funny how different the boys are. Keaton seems to be much more laid back than Landon was at this age. He nurses well, which Landon never did. He does like to be cuddled and snuggled with more than his brother which is great until Landon needs my attention, which is a little more often now. 

All in all we are doing well. Despite the typical sleep deprivation a newborn brings we are quite functional. We are now one big happy family!!