Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Job 1:21-22

Landon has an eye appointment this morning with his plastic surgeon. We are going to set up the date to have his eye removed. Please pray that several thing will fall into place. We found out last week, after many weeks of constant upper respiratory infections, Landon needs his adenoids removed. These are basically useless organs in your nasal area, a lot like tonsils. Why does God give you useless organs you ask... who knows. I guess they have some function that I am not aware of. Anyway,,, we are going to beg his ENT and his plastic surgeon to share the operating room so that we can minimize the number of times he has to go under anesthesia. If they do not he will be under 7 times in 6 months! That is a lot for a little guy! Heck, that's a lot for anyone!

The second thing is that his plastic surgeon will do his eye removal at Texas Childrens Hospital. That has to be accomplished before we can even begin to coordinate the two doctor's schedules. I want it done at TCH for several reasons, but the big reason being I get a 65% discount for being an employee there. That has helped tremendously with him having had so many procedures and surgeries there already. You don't even want to know what our insurance has billed the many doctors and hospitals already. Think close to 6 digits!

The third thing is the most difficult for me. I posted on here that I was pregnant with our second child and Landon was going to be a big brother. I miscarried 2 weeks ago at 11 weeks pregnant. I was devestated and crushed. Let me re-phrase. I AM devestated and crushed. There are good days and there are bad days. The bad days come when I am alone with just my thoughts. The good days are days I get to spend with my husband and baby boy. There have been many of those good days lately. I think God knew we needed some family time together. I cannot begin to understand what God has planned for us. I just keep trying to hang on for dear life. I keep trying to stay focused on Him and not my own suffering. I read the book of Job on the internet at work tonight ( I know; I wasn't working too hard :) But it put into perspective that bad things happen to good people, and I haven't done anything wrong to bring this upon myself. It makes for interesting reading if your trying to stand tall in a hurricane strength storm. Job prevailed and we will also. With LOTS of prayer (hint, hint). We love you all and have put a lot out there for you to pray for us about. Please know that we appreciate it.

"I came naked from my mother's womb and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD!"
In all of this Job did not sin by blaming God."
Job 1:21-22

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