Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas was fantastic! Landon was so much fun this year and very quickly got the hang of opening presents. It can be very time consuming though because he wants to play with each toy he unwrapped. His Uncle Seth got him a drum set. Uncle Seth is in trouble for a VERY long time :) Landon actually loves it and is pretty cute when he goes to town. (pictures coming soon.) The playroom where the tree is was a huge disaster area. Toys and trash everywhere! We are blessed to have had a great time with both families and many wonderful gifts. Jerm and I cooked Christmas Day for his family, and I am proud to report no one has been reported missing :)

New Years is very fast approaching. I have been saying for a while that I can't wait for New Years to be here; to celebrate the end of a horrible year and to start fresh in 09'. I start to reminisce about all that we've been through this year and I make myself turn my mind off. I just can't do it right now.

I hope you all had a very merry and blessed Christmas. I know we did. Pictures coming soon. As soon as I replace our mouse. Landon somehow managed to snap the wires right in half. I don't call him "baby moose" for nothin' :)

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