Saturday, May 17, 2008


So we went to see Dr. Holz last week and yesterday for follow up appointments.  Everything looks good. He gave us more steroid drops that he will probably be on for a long time just to decrease the swelling and inflammation. He says to treat Landon like a little boy and let him do everything he wants. As long as he has his glasses on!! We go back to see him in 3 weeks. Dr. Holz has really taken a liking to our little man. He was a very no nonsense guy when we first met him and he has had to give us nothing but bad news since the beginning, but when he sees Landon now, he waves at him and plays with him (when Landon will let him get close, which is not often :) We sent him and his assistant a cookie bouquet last week for being so good to us and Landon. Do you know that man did not share a single cookie with his staff?? He took it home and shared it with his wife and little boy! I can't help but think he was probably glad to go home to a son with two good eyes. And that's good. I'm glad Landon makes people love eachother more!!

On that note, we cannot slow this child down!! He is into everything, and stops for nothing (but an occassional cookie!) Everyone told me he would adapt and boy has he. Since he has no peripheral vision in that right eye, he is learning to feel with his body when things are close to the right side. He almost bumped into the car yesterday but brushed it just enough with his shoulder to let him know it was there. It's pretty impressive. 

We went to the zoo yesterday and he loved it! My mom was carrying him around the reptile cages and he looked at the huge python and said "Ewwwww, Yuck, Yuck!! My sentiments exactly! Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Children are a real blessing from God above. They can bounce back in almost any situation, it always surprises me how resilient they are. They don't have time to feel sorry for themselves nor do they know anything about doing that. I know that the scripture says when things happen we have to get past it with the help of our Lord and never look back. That is a hard thing to do but with the help of our Lord it can be done. Look forward to the adventure the Lord has for you, Landon and Jermey.
"For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you says the Lord, thoughts and plnas for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you a hope in your final outcome." Jer. 29:11