Sunday, October 26, 2008


These are the pictures of Bug in the water spouts at the zoo. He loved it and had tons of fun as you can see. He's been so super grumpy and clingy this past week. He hates it when I work extra and I have this past week and will this week also. Christmas is coming up and when he gets a little bigger and realizes this, he'll be thrilled I'm working extra :)

My cousin's reception was last night. I got all dressed up and frilly and headed that way. Five minutes into the drive there, Landon fell asleep in the car. He hadn't had a nap all day. I was at the reception for an hour! I have learned as a mother, you have to pick your battles. Fighting a grumpy, tired toddler in front of 50 people was not one I wanted to fight. We were at home and in bed by 9:30. Before I had Landon I would have been there until they kicked me out. The margaritas were fantastic and there were a lot of people there I wanted to visit with that I hadn't seen in a while. Hence the title of this post.... sacrifice. I knew my baby needed to come home and go to bed. So I said bye to everyone "it was nice seeing ya (for 5 minutes!)" I have a child that lives and dies by his schedule and Lord help us if we veer off track. I know... those of you who know me well know that I need my sleep too! I have only myself to blame :) He's worth every ounce of fight he puts up!

His stitch popped open Sat. It's a little creepy looking for those who aren't used to seeing yucky medical stuff. The conformer they attached his muscles to really fills out his socket. It doesn't look near as empty as it did before they removed his eye, which sounds really strange. I can't wait until he gets his prosthetic!

Have a great week!

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