He did fabulous during surgery. No unexpected problems. Dr. Yen mentioned how incredibly small his eye had become already. He said that was not unusual either. We waited an incredibly long time for them to take us back to recovery to see him. It started to make me very nervous so we asked what was taking so long. When they finally took us back they asked us not to touch or stimulate him because he was still very out of it. Boy was he! So we sat with him for a while until they really woke him up. Even after that he was really good. About 30 minutes after he woke up he quickly became inconsolable. We tried everything to distract him. When none of that worked we gave him Tylenol with Codeine. When that didn't work we gave him Morphine. Finally we were able to get some milk down him and they sent us home. We were in recovery for about 3 hours. That's a long time for him. The real problems started at home...
2 hours after the Morphine he became inconsolable again. So we got his Lortab filled and gave him a dose of that. So by now he has a lot of narcotics in him; and he's still inconsolable. I could not stand to see him like that any more. He wanted me to hold him, but not touch him. Walk with him, but not sit down. He would sleep for 2 minute intervals and then cry hysterically. This made me call the physician on call and she told us to head back to the TCH Er. Thank goodness I work there. We were in a room in about 30 minutes. I was so incredibly greatful since the wait there can be up to 10 hrs at times. After forever they finally put in an IV started him on fluids and gave him IV pain medication throughout the night. It was a very unexpected stay. Not to mention uncomfortable. We were almost at 24 hours awake before we were finally able to get some rest. We were very unprepared for the pain he experienced. I know that each child is different but this was Landon's 6th time under anesthesia and they kept trying to say that that was what was causing him to act like that. Mommy knows best.
All in all it was a horrible experience. But we are so incredibly glad that it is over. They discharged us at about 10 this morning after they saw him running down the hall in a toy car. He woke up and had 2 sippy cups of milk, 1 1/2 bananas, and a whole hash brown from McDonalds for breakfast. He was starving after not eating for so long. Despite all of this he has been wonderful today. He's back to my baby Bug! I have never seen a baby struggle like he has this year and bounce back so vivaciously. His little smile just lights me up inside. He is truly my little hero.
So we head back to his doctors office on Monday. His patch is huge as you can see. He has already found a way to get his finger in there behind it. Sneaky little thing! The patch should come off on Monday as long as he doesn't get it off first. He's been really good with it so far. The stitch they put in to hold his lids together should stay until it dissolves in about a month. We will start talking to the occularist soon to set up an appointment to make the mold for his eye. I am so super excited about that. Thank you to those who have been praying with us and for us over these last several months. You'll never know the appreciation we have for you. Keep the prayers coming. We can never have enough!
1 comment:
I do not know a worse pain than when your child is hurting. IT simply crushes you as a mother. Hang in there.
You all continue to be in my prayers. I love you!
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