So we met the ocularist on Monday afternoon. She's really great. The process of fitting Landon with this scleral shield has been a bit traumatic for us both. Robin, the ocularist, informed me that my son is "abnormally strong." Yea, tell me something I don't know. When she went to fit him for the shield, he squeezed his eyes shut so tightly she had to pry them open with her hands to get it in. This was a three person job! And we had to do it 8 times; 4 times to put it in, 4 times to take it out! By the end of the 3 hour appointment we had had it. We had all hit our limit (my mom included) and were ready to get out of there. Robin was very patient and did a lot of work in one day.
This is how every appointment has been.... every six months.... until yesterday. Yesterday my baby climbed up in the chair all by himself and sat quietly while Robin took his eye out, polished and cleaned it, and put it back in. Then he picked out his sucker, we paid and left. Seriously! In and out in under 30 minutes. I think I was more upset at the fact he acted like a big boy than I was when he kicked and screamed. Robin said to me "remember when I told you he would do this one day? That he would climb up here with no fighting and let me do what I had to do?" I just smiled and shook my head. That seemed like eons away from where we used to be. Holding him down was THE worst part. He almost always fell asleep on the way home from sheer exhaustion from fighting us so hard. He didn't even sit in my lap this time!! (I'll admit I was slightly offended at this :)
So this is a very cool milestone for him and for us. He truly is becoming a little boy and not a baby. Unfortunately, I think his brother is reaping the repercussions for this. He may be a baby a little longer than Landon out of sheer force from his mom! Yesterday was awesome!